Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Broadside and Tau

A while back I converted a plastic rail gun from a few fire warrior and crisis suit weapons.  I also said I wasn't going to be carrying on with Tau force but I'd forgotten why I wanted to start in the first place, because I actually want to paint some Tau models.  So here it is, a little late for Miniature Monday but still, my finished Broadside and Fire warrior.

The colour scheme is Cathan Brown with Khemri brown and Komando Khaki highlights.  Main things I'm pleased with is the dirty and weathered look, the chips and marks on the armour add to that.  Start with the lowest base (recess) colour and apply to the edges where wear will occur.  I used Boltgun metal on the edge and outwards but leaving some of the darker paint work exposed.  Finally highlight with mithril silver to bring out the edge and highlight the chip.  To blend it into the model a bit more and prevent it looking too fresh I then washed it with devlan mud (a wash used in other areas of the model) and lightly dry brushed the medium coat (Khemri Brown) back over it.  Effect looks good and you can alter how recent the damage appears by how much of the lighter silver you use and how much you drybrush it back into the other colours.

Only other attempt is at directional lighting with the power cells on the rail gun and pulse rifle  doesn't look right and not blended enough into the model.  Mainly tried mixing the base coat with the base blue and washing it around the light source then mixing the base highlight with the blue highlight and highlighting in areas around the light.  Not bad for a rough and ready way to do it but leaves an uneven look that's patchy, something light falling on an object isn't.  More practice but enjoyed these two and eyeing up other Tau units now.

1 comment:

  1. The light glow is a little blotchy up close, but from a distance it looks great (as the resized thumbnails show). I wonder how good it would look scaled up onto a Hammerhead...
